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The Best Music Social Media Campaigns for 2024

The Best Music Social Media Campaigns for 2023
February 1, 2020
We want to help you implement a killer social media strategy for your music in 2024, so we've compiled some of the best social media campaign ideas to give your pages a boost.

Plus you can access a free social media calendar template below, to help you plan, organise and share awesome posts.

Scroll down to discover some of the best social media post ideas to help you reach and engage with your followers. And don't forget to hit the link below to access our FREE social media content calendar and campaign planner, help you plan and run your music social media campaign.

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Best social media ideas for musicians


Are you about to put out a brand new track, album or music video? Dropping a short teaser on to your social profiles can give your followers a taste of what to expect and build some hype around your release.

Keep your teaser clip short and sweet. If it’s a music video release, then a small clip pulled from the vid could do the job, but if it’s a new track, make sure to set it to some flashy graphics to grab people’s attention as they scroll through their timeline. Don’t be afraid to get creative or mysterious!

You should also set up a pre-order link to help generate interest in your release before its drop date. You can set up pre-order through the best music distributors and labels.

Takeovers & partnerships

Combining your promotional efforts with a brand or other artist of equal or bigger reputation can at least double your reach and prospective impressions.

As mentioned above, there are a couple of potential routes to take. You could team up with another similar artist and generate content for each other’s page, helping you reach a whole new set of fans who will already like your style of music.

Alternatively, if you’re lucky enough to have secured a sponsorship or partnership, combining your promotional and social media efforts with a relevant brand can massively boost your reach and publicity.

Boost your following & reach with an expert Ditto Music social media campaign. Learn more about Ditto Promo here.

Live video

Going live on social media is a particularly powerful tool nowadays, not least because when you fire up Facebook Live, every single one of your followers gets a notification letting them know. That's much more reach than simply posting a video.

Live streams aren’t just resigned to Facebook, both Twitter and Instagram also have live option well worth taking advantage of.

Shooting live video of a gig or one-off acoustic performance is a great (albeit obvious) way to use this promotional tool. However, hosting Q&A sessions, where you speak directly with your followers is arguably a more engaging way to go live.

What’s trending?

Jumping on the trending topics of the day or week is an easy and effective way to appear on the timelines of people who may not have heard your music before – especially on platforms where people scroll through topics based on hashtags.

You can join in conversations, reach new people and push your profile in front of new audiences. This is a reactive way of posting, which doesn’t require much planning beforehand.

Don’t go overboard with this technique though. Try to use hashtags relevant to your music, or at least to music in general, otherwise you could be perceived as spammy.

Competitions & Giveaways

Everyone loves free stuff. So why not give the people what they want? An exciting competition or generous giveaway is a great way to build engagement across your social media pages.

If you’re planning on running a free giveaway, think carefully about what you’re going to offer. You could give a free track away to everyone who likes and shares your post or page, or maybe some exclusive merchandise to those who pre-order your latest album.

Running a competition offers the chance to be a little more creative. If there’s only one or a small number of winners, you could offer a bigger prize to draw in the punters and escalate the potential publicity.

Remember, while giveaways on competitions might cost you financially, they can offer something arguably as important – social currency. In other words, the potential promotion you stand to gain through increased exposure on social networks.

Behind the scenes footage

Give your fans an insight into life behind the scenes. This campaign idea ties in nicely with short video content and live video mentioned above, either of which offers a way to share your behind-the-scenes insights.

Whether it’s an exclusive look at a jamming session or band practice, footage of you on the road, a short video of backstage preparations or even a clip from a big night out; keeping your fans in the loop can help to build strong relationships and a loyal following. TikTok is the perfect platform for this sort of content, with BTS videos helping many artists build up loyal fanbases from scratch and also get their accounts verified on TikTok.


Polls are an increasingly popular way to boost reach on your social media pages for several reasons. Follower participation is easy, generally there’s no pressure or wrong answers and they offer the opportunity to learn from your fans.

You could use polls to looks for genuine feedback or set up a tongue-in-cheek survey simply to entertain and engage people.

Twitter is well-known for its polls and posting one couldn’t be easier. Just hit ‘Add poll’ when creating a new tweet.

Facebook has a similar process. Simply click ‘Create a Poll’ under the status field on your band or artist page.

Polls are also available on Instagram through Instagram Stories. Just Create a Story Post and select the Poll sticker option.

You can then customise your questions and poll responses before sharing. A couple of things you should know about Instagram polls: you can only publish two possible responses, and unlike Facebook and Twitter, Instagram Polls aren’t anonymous!

Short videos and GIFs

GIFs and short video content have a reputation for achieving the highest levels of engagement. The auto-play capabilities of most platforms help to stop users in their tracks as they scroll through their social timelines.

Such is the power of video content; many bigger social players will edit still images into a video - rather than post as an image gallery - to ensure maximum engagement.

But remember, people’s attention is fleeting on social media. Try to keep the most significant and interesting content within the first 15 seconds, as studies have shown that many users won’t watch past that point!

It’s also important to bear in mind that most social users are active from their phones, and might not in an ideal location to listen to the audio on your video. You can address this problem and keep them engaged simply by adding subtitles.

Blog posts

Don’t underestimate the power of blog posts.

They offer a platform from which to let your current fans know what you’re up to, share interesting ideas and points of view with new listeners, and potentially give your website a much-needed SEO (search engine optimisation) boost.

You could also blog about a cause or charity close to your heart, helping to raise money and awareness.

There you have it! Plenty of great ideas to create hype, reach and engagement across all your social media pages.

Remember to access our free social media content planner start maximizing the potential of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for your music career.


Here a few tips to help make your social media promotional campaigns a success...

Plan ahead

Use our free social media planner to create a solid strategy. This way you can look over your whole campaign, helping to avoid repetition and develop creative content. Structure is important, but don’t be afraid to change things up or post something exciting in the moment.

You can access our free social media content calendar here.

Schedule your posts

Line up your posts in advance to avoid any last-minute stress. There are several tools to help you schedule social posts, including Schedugram for Instagram, Tweet Deck for Twitter and Hootsuite for both Facebook and Twitter.

You can also schedule posts directly on Facebook, which is useful when you want to play around with paid boosts ahead of time. Use analytics to see when most of your followers are online to decide when to share.

Consistency & quality

Carry your brand identity across every social platform. This doesn’t necessarily mean posting the exact same content across each of them, but consistency is important. Don’t forget to keep your bios updated too and ensure that the links work on both desktop and mobile devices.

Quality is equally as important. Make sure you appear professional and credible in your press shots and videos. Do your graphics and photos look as good as bigger artists out there? If not, improve them.

Profile & cover photo

You can use your profile and cover photos to reveal new artwork, announce tours, release dates, pre-order availability and, of course, when it’s finally ‘OUT NOW’.

Facebook has allowed the option for videos in place of cover photos and profile pictures. When used correctly, this can be incredibly eye catching and striking and get your release across in a unique way - why don’t you try it out with your latest video teaser?

Wrap your links

Try using sites like Bit.ly and TinyURL to wrap your long, unsightly links and make them look smarter. This is also a great way to monitor who, where, when and how people are reaching your website.

Paid ads

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all allow you to create paid ads and boosted posts, which can be powerful tools to reach your target audience and increase brand awareness.

If you want to make the most of paid advertising, it's well worth hiring an expert social media campaign manager to optimise and schedule your posts for the best results.

Enquire about a promo campaign here or contact promo@dittomusic.com for more info.

The Best Music Social Media Campaigns for 2024

Music Promo
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