How To Record Vocals At Home & Get a Great Sound

In this article, we'll discuss some tips for recording vocals at home. Keep reading to learn more!
Complete guide to recording vocals at home
Many aspects must be considered while making a good vocal recording, but the process can be divided into three primary areas.
We've also included a vocal recording checklist and some FAQs to make sure you're ready to record! Hit link chapter links below to skip ahead.
Pick a room to record in
The first step in preparation for recording vocals at home is to choose a room in which to record. The room you choose should be quiet and have good acoustics. All of this will contribute to better sound quality when you come to recording and compressing your music into file formats.
A dead room is ideal, but too dead of a room can actually spoil the recording. Try to find a balance between these two extremes.
Once you've chosen a room, the next step is to eliminate any noise sources that may be present. Turn off any fans or air conditioners. If possible, recording in a carpeted room will help to deaden the sound.
Adjust the microphone position
It is important to adjust the microphone properly in order to record vocals at home. The microphone should be positioned so that it is far away from the walls.
This will help to reduce reflections and echo. The microphone should also be positioned in the centre of the room, as this will provide the best sound quality.

Take care of the acoustics
Acoustic treatment is the process of improving the sound quality of a room by reducing the reflections and echo.
This can be done by adding sound-absorbing materials to the walls or ceiling. Common acoustic treatments include acoustic panels and bass traps. This is especially helpful for recording rock, pop and rap vocals.
Adding acoustic treatment to your recording room will improve the quality of your vocal recordings, as well as make the room more comfortable to work in.
Choose the right microphone
You will also need to decide which type of microphone to use. There are two basic types: condenser and dynamic.
Condenser microphones are generally more expensive, but they offer a better quality recording. Dynamic mics are less expensive and are more resistant to feedback.
Something to keep in mind is that condenser microphones require 48 volts to power them so don't forget the preamps.
Check out our list of the best vocal microphones you can choose from to elevate your performance.
Recording technique
The first step in this phase is to set the levels. The level is the amount of signal that is being recorded.
It is important to set the levels properly, as too much or too little signal can ruin a recording. Too little of an input will introduce noise while too much gain level will introduce distortion.
To set the levels, start by turning up the gain on the microphone. Then, speak or sing into the microphone at a normal volume. Adjust the gain until the level meters in your recording software reach around -12 dB.
Another step when recording professional vocals from home is to nail the performance. Timing is a very important aspect when it comes to that. All songs have a timing signature that is called BPM or tempo.
BPM stands for beats per minute. It is crucial to set your BPM for the song when recording so that you can be in synch with the song. A pro tip is to use a metronome click set to the bpm while recording to make sure you stay on beat.
To find the BPM of a song, you can click the tempo out or use a BPM Finder to do this for you.
Compression is important for recording vocals as it is used to even out the levels of the signal so that the loudest and quietest parts are closer together.
This makes the vocals sound fuller and more consistent.
To compress the vocal signal, start by setting the threshold to around -12 dB. Then, set the ratio to 4:1. Finally, set the attack and release times according to your preference.

Microphone position
The next step in recording vocals at home is to position the microphone properly. The microphone should be about 6 inches away from the mouth, and it should be pointing towards the center of the mouth.
It is also important to make sure that the microphone is not pointing directly at the nose, as this can cause a "nasal" sound.
The position of the microphone can also affect the sound of the recording. For a more "intimate" sound, try moving the microphone closer to the mouth. For a more "open" sound, try moving the microphone further away.
Condenser vs Dynamic
The positioning of the microphone also depends on the type of microphone you are using. For example, if you are using dynamic microphones, you will want to position the mic slightly off to the side so that the direct sound hits the front of the microphone.
If you are using condenser mics, you will want to position such the condenser mic directly in front of the mouth so that the vocal sound hits the diaphragm directly.
Microphone Height
The height of the microphone is also important. If the microphone is too high, the sound will be "thin" and "sibilant." If the microphone is too low, the sound will be "muddy" and "boomy."
The ideal position for the microphone is about 6 inches below the chin. This position will give you the best balance of high and low frequencies.
Axis rotation
The next step in recording studio vocals at home is to adjust the axis rotation. The axis rotation is the angle of the microphone in relation to the mouth.
For most people, the axis rotation should be between 45 and 60 degrees. To adjust the axis rotation, simply rotate the microphone until it is at the desired angle.
It is important to adjust the axis rotation so that the sound is hitting the microphone directly.
If the sound is not hitting the microphone directly, it will sound "off" and it will be more difficult to get a good recording.
Polar pattern
The next stage is to pick the correct microphone polar pattern. The polar pattern is the direction that the microphone is picking up sound.
There are three main polar patterns: cardioid, omnidirectional, and bidirectional.

Cardioid microphones pick up sound from the front and sides of the microphone, while omnidirectional microphones pick up sound from all directions.
Bidirectional microphones pick up sound from the front and back of the microphone.
For most recording applications, a cardioid microphone is the best choice. However, if you are recording in a noisy environment, an omnidirectional microphone may be a better choice.
Use a windscreen
The next step is to use a windscreen. A windscreen is a piece of foam that goes over the microphone. It helps to reduce "pop" sounds and other unwanted noise.
To use a windscreen, simply place it over the microphone before you start recording. You can buy windscreens at most music stores or online.
Now that you have all the technical stuff out of the way, it's time to actually focus on the performance or recording phase. The key to getting a good recording is to perform with confidence.
Remember, the microphone is picking up everything, so if you make a mistake, just keep going. The more you relax, the better your recording will be.
So go ahead and take a deep breath, and start singing!

Recording vocals: Frequently asked questions
What are backing vocals & do I need them?
Backing vocals are an important part of many recordings, providing texture and depth to the overall sound. They can elevate a song, making it more exciting and dynamic.
Backing vocals can be performed by a single singer or a group of singers. When multiple singers are involved, they are often referred to as a "chorus." In general, the more singers there are, the fuller and richer the sound will be.
Backing vocals can be recorded in a number of different ways. The most common method is to have the singer(s) stand in a room with microphones positioned around them. This captures a natural, "live" sound.
Another popular method is to have the singer(s) sing in a studio booth, with the microphone placed close to their mouth. This gives the vocals a more intimate sound.
Backing vocals can be recorded either before or after the lead vocals. If they are recorded beforehand, they are often referred to as "pre-recorded" or "track vocals."
If they are recorded after the lead vocals, they are known as "overdubs."
Pre-recorded backing vocals have the advantage of being able to be perfectly in sync with the lead vocals. This can be helpful if the singer is not confident in their ability to sing harmony parts spontaneously.
Overdubbed backing vocals often sound more natural and organic, as they are not restricted by being in perfect sync with the lead vocals. This allows the singers more freedom to experiment with their parts and create more interesting harmonies.
What is double tracking?
Double tracking is a recording technique in which a voice or instrument is recorded twice, usually with slightly different settings. This creates a fuller, more resonant sound. Double tracking can be used with any type of audio recording, but it is most commonly used with vocals.
There are several ways to achieve double tracking. The most common method is to record the same take twice and mix the two tracks together. This gives the illusion of one track being played twice.
Another way to double track is to record two different takes of the same performance and mix them together. This creates a more natural sounding double track, as each take will have slightly different nuances.
The benefits of double tracking are that it can add depth and richness to a recording. It can also help to thicken up a thin sounding vocal. Double tracking is often used in pop and rock music to create a "big" sound.
There are some drawbacks to double tracking, however. It can be time consuming to record two takes of the same performance, and it can be difficult to get them to line up perfectly. If the tracks are not mixed properly, they can sound muddy or cluttered.
Overall, double tracking is a useful recording technique that can add depth and texture to a track. When used correctly, it can create a powerful and impressive sound.
How can I record my voice at home without a mic?
There are a few ways that you can record your voice without a mic. One way is to use your computer's built-in microphone.
Another way is to use a headset with a microphone attached. Finally, you can use a software program that allows you to record your voice without using a microphone.
What is the best app to record myself singing?
There are a few different apps that you can use to record yourself singing. One option is to use the Voice Memos app that comes pre-installed on most iPhones.
Another option is to use a third-party app like Garageband or Audacity. Finally, you can use a web-based service like SoundCloud.
How can I reduce noise in my vocal recordings?
There are a few things you can do to reduce noise in your recordings. First, make sure you're recording in a room with good acoustics and relatively little echo.
A smaller vocal booth with soft surfaces (carpet, curtains, etc.) will help to absorb sound and reduce echoes.
You might also consider hanging blankets or towels around the room to further reduce echoes.
What equipment do I need to record vocals?
The type of equipment you'll need will depend on the quality of recordings you're hoping to achieve. For high-quality recordings, you'll need:
- Microphone(s)
- Mic stand(s)
- Pop filter(s)
- Shock mount(s)
- XLR cable(s)
- Interface/preamp
- Headphones or monitors
- Computer & DAW software
- Recording space treatment (acoustic panels, etc.)
This is just a basic vocal recording setup. Of course, you can always add more gear as needed.
But with this list, you should be able to get started recording high-quality vocals.