How to Get Verified on Instagram as a Musician

For musicians who want to promote their music on social media and strengthen their online credibility, Instagram verification is an invaluable way of doing so. After all, what better way to maximise self-promotion and fan engagement, than with the globally recognised symbol of legitimacy – the little (maybe not so little) blue tick.
So here’s a step-by-step guide to getting verified on Instagram as a musician.
How do artists get verified on Instagram?
1. From the mobile app, sign in to the Instagram account you want to verify. Instagram only lets you verify ONE account. So if you have multiple, make sure you’re signed into the account that’s most representative of you as a musician.
2. Tap the hamburger icon in the top right corner. From here select the “Settings” option from the drop-down menu.

3. Tap “Account” and you’ll be able to select “Request Verification”

4. Next, Instagram will request some information from you to prove your identity. This will consist of: your Instagram username, your full name and a form of ID.

4. You'll also need to provide some context and evidence to prove why you deserve to be verified. This includes info about your audience as well as links to any news stories or online features you've been covered in.

5. Hit the “Submit” button.
And voila! Just like that, your verification request has been sent.
So what happens next?
Instagram will review your application and let you know if it’s been accepted or not. There’s no specific time-frame for getting a response, but either way, they’ll notify you of the verdict via an in-app notification.
Not made the cut this time? Don’t lose hope! You can re-apply every 30 days. And in the meantime, use that time to make sure you’re meeting all of the eligibility requirements for a verified account.
What does Instagram say about getting verified?
According to Instagram’s official statement, accounts must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to be verified:
1. Be Authentic
For musicians that means, an account that’s representative of you as a ‘legit’ and credible artist i.e. the real Slim Shady.
2. Be Unique
Your account should also be a unique reflection of you as a single individual musician (essentially filtering out people trying to verify multiple accounts of the same person).
3. Be Complete
Make sure your account is:
- Public
- Contains a bio
- Features a profile picture
- Has a minimum of one post
4. Be Notable
Ideally, your account needs to be of notable and search-worthy quality. This is because Instagram reviews accounts that feature in recent and multiple news features, and NOT through paid ads or paid promotions.
So although the request form is simple, the real challenge is fine-tuning your Instagram account to meet those all-important eligibility requirements.
How to improve your chances of being verified on Instagram
1. Build followers and engagement
Don’t get me wrong, Instagram verification isn’t down to no. of followers. But, it can definitely help! Especially in terms of growing your fan-base and getting that all important digital word of mouth.
But remember, followers mean a lot less if you aren’t engaging with them. So post regular and meaningful content that’ll speak to your followers and make them wanna speak back. The rule goes: Increased Engagement = Increased Followers.
Read more on how to promote your music on Instagram.
2. Avoid cross-promoting your other social accounts
Linking other social media platforms on your Instagram account is a real ‘no-go’ for getting verified. In short, Instagram views this as ‘add-me’ spam, so it’s best to steer clear from this one, even if you’re verified on another social platform.
TOP TIP: If you have one, you can still link out to your artist website via your Instagram bio. Why? Both the guys at Instagram and your followers will equate this with increased authenticity!
3. Be BIG news
Now this one’s a biggie.
One of the main ways Instagram deems an account worthy of verification, is whether or not the person has seen recent mentions in online news, reviews or press features.
For you as an artist, this means trying to drum up as much online media coverage as possible to feature on your account. You might wanna consider sending out press releases or getting in contact with local news agencies to do this.
Plus, Instagram now also accepts links to press releases and news articles during the request-form stage. Yep, a self-promotion gold mine.
Not sure how? Learn more about writing music press releases.
4. Avoid bad social media practices
Don’t buy followers. Just don’t do it, okay?
This will lead you to what Instagram deems an “unbalanced account” with low engagement levels. Yikes!
This also means no spam content or comments, and only posting content that meets Instagram’s community guidelines.
So there you have it - how to get verified on Instagram and maximise your chances of verification as a musician.
But remember, Instagram verification is just one small facet of social media. Still looking for tips on boosting your social media strategy? Find out about the best social media campaigns for musicians.