Band Name Generator | How to Choose a Band Name

Well, we’ll get into exactly what makes a good band name below, but first, try out our Band Name Generator.
Hit the 'Generate Band Name' button below a few times and you might just find some inspiration! Let us know the best names our Band Name Generator gave you in the comments at the bottom.
Band Name Generator
How to choose a band name
Choosing a band name has the potential to be both fun and frustrating. Disagreements will inevitably arise, so before you start falling out with your musical brothers (or sisters!) in arms, here are some things to keep in mind to make sure you nail your name first time.
Have a brainstorming session
Sit down with pen and paper and write down everyone’s suggestions. The important thing here is to keep the ideas flowing, no matter how awful. At this point, just write everything down and try not to judge.
You can then go through your list to rule out the bad ones, discuss the goods ones, or maybe even combine them to create something new.
If you’re struggling for ideas, hit the button on our Band Name Generator above a few times to get those creative juices flowing.

Make it relevant
Try to come up with a name that reflects you and your sound. A relevant name can help fans understand what you’re all about before they even hear your music.
Now, this is pretty subjective and open to interpretation. But try to avoid the extremes. For example, don’t name yourself something like Spider Death Corpse if you’re an acoustic folk trio. You get the idea.
Think about your online presence
Consider how your name will affect your online presence. This is pretty important if you’re thinking long term.
First of all, Google it. Is the name you’ve chosen a unique one? Will you be the first thing to appear when people type it into a search engine? Or will it end up buried other hundreds of more relevant results?
Also, check if the domain and social media pages are still available for the name you want to pick. You can use a website like to see if your band name has already been taken across all domain extensions (.com, .net, .biz, etc) and social media platforms.

Consider your graphics
How will your potential band name look printed on t-shirts and other merchandise? Do you have a logo or any other graphics in mind?
Your name will become a big part of your image, so think ahead to how it will be incorporated into your own brand, whether that’s graphics, merchandise or anything else with your name on it.
Don't overthink it
I know, I know! This contradicts what I’ve been saying so far. But try to avoid getting caught in a cycle of self-doubt or you’ll never end up with a band name that sticks.
At some point you’ve just got to go with your gut and live with it. Over time your band name will take on a life and meaning of its own, so try not to overthink it too much. Just get out there and make a REAL name for yourself!
Ok, so you’ve got your band name. You’ve recorded your music. Now what?
Start releasing it to Spotify, Apple Music and hundreds more stores worldwide with Ditto Music. Get started releasing music online here.